Wednesday 13 February 2013

Ricky Gervais

The so called comedian Ricky Gervais, who I'm told is constantly mocking wheelchair bound "people" is at it again with a new documentary series called Derek, where he is laughing at "the mentally" disabled and old people.

I read that he has also used a large amount of music very offensively and I gather he has done so very, very wrongly.

These are all valid reasons not to like the show or the man.

Everything I have ever read about Ricky Gervais in The Daily Mail confirms my worst suspicions and I have absolutely no intentions of ever watching his type of so called comedy documentary programme.

I have it on very good authority from my cleaner, that he kept a dwarf actor captive in his home and forced him to dress up as a frog for his own amusement. He then cruelly featured this poor man in another of his vicious documentaries.

 I have to tell you now she thought the whole sorry spectacle amusing. She has insisted to me that this show was his concept and she said that the actor, Ewok Davis took the idea to Ricky Gervais and that "it was brilliant"

Clearly I haven't watched this show either but I can only assume that this poor soul was drugged and suffered unthinkable abuse during his forced involvement, too numerous and depraved to calculate and is experiencing a form of Stockholm Syndrome in interviews, where he speaks positively about Ricky Gervais .

People like my cleaner might think comedy is funny, but the joke is on them.

I haven't seen the latest show from Ricky Gervais but I have spoken to several friends, and they all tell me that once again, this man is mocking the elderly and being cruel. I've been told that at various points in the show old people are made to sit in chairs, dance, listen to rap music, interact with animals, travel on minibuses and suffer other humiliating and demeaning activities which should have Age Concern's bells ringing.

There is also a scene involving the licking of a toad, which I assume to be some kind of disgusting and childish euphemism.

I doubt very much that these incapable "adults" lived through a war only to be forced to perform in this freak "show" to a viewing public numbering millions. Is there no new low to which this comedian will not sink?

I think he should go back to working in that office where the BBC found him, as this is precisely the problem with reality television turning people into stars.

This comes as absolutely no surprise to me whatsoever and I'll tell you for why. He is and always will be an atheist. If you don't walk with the love of the lord in your heart it's absolutely no surprise to me that you have no pity for cripples. I'm always rattling a tin for unfortunate people.

As we know I am on Twitter and I see that he has gained many millions of followers.

I know of at least twenty people on Twitter who can't stand the man, or his so called comedy and they shouldn't be ignored. Some also seem to be in the entertainment industry so they have a clear reason to fully appreciate what is wrong with Ricky Gervais having a successful career.

All I can say is that these people following him on Twitter are clearly morons. Many million morons, compared to the handful of right thinking, god fearing, comedy loving, truth telling, bigotry exposing, sensibly thinking, friends I have yet to meet.

Although the odds are weighted against these fearless champions of comedy justice they are vocal and brave.

I'm completely comfortable with that.

Fortunately some of these right minded people also follow Ricky Gervais on the Twitter, so that they can keep a close eye on what he is saying every single day.Then they all tell him exactly what they think of him, sensibly using an anonymous name.

Also some plucky youngsters have gathered together on comedy discussion websites to decry this man's vileness and to explain properly how good comedy should be written. They are not fooled by his numerous awards, which they rightly say are undeserved.

They are not doing this for trophies, so it's good that they haven't got any. No, they are doing this simply for the love of comedy and honesty.

I must address one myth which is circulating. Those people who are decrying Ricky Gervais are not bitter or jealous in anyway they are simply speaking out for "the" disabled and old people who they clearly care for very deeply and with total understanding, as I myself do, do.

They have been trying to make their message heard for several years now and if they've recently seen disability issues as another string to their violin of truth and as a platform to decry this man, then GOOD FOR THEM.

I also asked around at my swimming club, the church jumble sale and in the post office and I can tell you that no one else had seen the programme either and they all absolutely agreed with me that it was mocking and cruel and awful.

I took to the high street and did some research. Of the 100 people I spoke to several of them had these things to say:

"Ricky Gervais is exactly what is wrong with this country today. If I had my way Jeremy Clarkson would be the controller of the BBC"

"Ricky Gervais may be a Hollywood star but I see nothing funny about the council insisting on fortnightly bin collections"

"Ricky Gervais looks like my next door neighbour and I don't like my next door neighbour"

I think people like this so called comedian should be banned from the television, the wireless and  Twitter. He should be held up to pubic ridicule strapped to a pit pony and forced into the mines.

Perhaps if he worked for a living instead of spending every waking moment lowering standards and upsetting decent, god fearing people he would learn a valuable lesson.

He needs to remember one thing above all others and it's this  "We're not watching your programme Mr Gervais and we're not laughing. Even if we are watching, we are only doing so because we don't like your comedy, we don't like you and we don't like your taste in "music."

Make no mistake I haven't watched it and I definitely don't like it, I think it's obvious who is the winner here.


  1. "I think he should go back to working in that office where the BBC found him, as this is precisely the problem with reality television turning people into stars" ...brilliant!!

  2. Agree whole heartedly, Mrs Mountable; very well said.
    And also, what about the "awful" stuff he perpetrated on Karl Pilkington, forcing him in to all those "embarrassing" and frightening situations, like the one with the "monkeys"? All of them made me laugh so much, which was really unfair, because none of them should have been funny at all.

  3. Haha, what a great laugh. I love Mr Gervais too. It would be hard for me to write things like those you wrote about him, even though you were obviously joking. Cheers, and I congratulate you for this piece of comedy journalism.

  4. Haha, brilliant. I almost fell for this. You pull off narrow-minded crazy person really well.

  5. "Ricky Gervais looks like my next door neighbour and I don't like my next door neighbour" I laughed so much at this!

    Great review, brilliant! although initially I was going to close this, until I realized what it really meant.

  6. This is satire at it's finest.

  7. Haha, great! Love the over use of "quotations". :)

  8. I represent the union of pit ponies and take offence to your idea of strapping Mr gervais to an animal whose life is hard enough without having to carry a fat comedian all day as well cruelty is cruelty whether perpetrated against Karl Pilkington or pit ponies and the ponies don't even get a big house in London or a huge cheque every month for suffering at the hands of the evil gervais.

  9. Loved it, I was sent here by a Ricky Gervais tweet

  10. Ewok Davis. Brilliant.

  11. 'I'm always rattling a tin for unfortunate people' Brilliant

  12. Very funny, Thank you :)

  13. Pure brilliance! !!
